jeudi 25 juillet 2013

1000islands or bust!

Here we are!  Officially in the thousand islands.

We left Prescott this morning and are now safely tucked away in Brockville Yacht Club.  As a reciprocal club of SYC, we are guests and treated very well :)

Le fleuve etait tres agité aujourd'hui, le peu de vent étant totalement contraire au courant assez fort.  On a donc eu droit a des whitecaps et de bonnes grosses vagues.  Ajoutez à ça celles des bateaux moteurs et des gros lakers qui passent, mettons qu'on s'est fait brasser en masse.

Nous avions prévu de dormir à l'ancre derriere Skelton Island (une recommendation d'un ami de Sébastien) mais beaucoup trop de vagues...
Merci aux amis de BYC de nous accueillir pour la nuit à l'abri dans le harbour.

We have already seen a few of the 1400 islands that make up the 1000islands, and we can't wait to see more tomorrow!
We were told today that in order for an island to qualify as such, there must be at least 2 trees.  Imagine that.  Otherwise, it is considered nothing but a pile of rocks.  Bummer for that pile....

Reading in the boating guide, it seems there are a number of osprey nests to look out for, so starting tomorrow, we will be bird and bird-nest watching.  So many things for little pirates to do :)

C'est l'heure du dodo - des photos demain....  Bed time, pictures will have to wait for tomorrow...

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