So a few tidbits that we have to share to catch you up. Let’s go back to Bath if you will…knowing we were crossing the lake, and we were planning on spending at least a day or two in Main Duck Island, we wanted to leave with an empty septic tank and a full tank of water, so Sebastien headed to the pump-out dock. I was at the pool with the boys. On his way, he went slightly out of the narrow channel and ran aground. Just enough to be stuck. Nobody around, my phone was in the boat, but finally, Paul was on the dock, so Sebastien called to him. Paul is one of those guys who just looks like the picture of calm – in any situation. So he just replied to Seb, “hey, you’re aground, why?”. No harm done, Paul rescued Whisper and we all had a good laugh. Sorry, no pictures!
The next morning the weather forecast was calling for some very strong winds that night, so we decided to leave as quickly as possible, skip Main Duck and head straight across the lake to Oswego.
We left Bath around 8 am, once passed the cut and into the lake we had some pretty good waves, about 1 feet very close together. All of us but Sebastien felt a little seasick at some point, but the sea bands and the Gravol, helped:). We tried sailing but the wind was shifting and we weren’t progressing, so we motored. Made it into Oswego around 5h30 pm, feeling rather proud of ourselves. One positive note about Oswego is the easiness to clear customs with the videophone. Goes downhill from there with the most ridiculous yacht club ever, and after giving us the runaround for a dock, a slip, a dock, a mooring ball, no a dock, no a mooring ball, oh wait no, because this mooring ball belongs to someone (who was rather unhappy and not very pleasant), we just gave up on our reciprocal and headed for the municipal dock in the river. Right in front of the hotel. At least we didn’t have to pay tickets for the evening outdoor band….
The next morning we headed for Paradise. Boaters, if you are on the south side of Lake Ontario, you must try Little Sodus Bay. We had a fantastic sail from Oswego, 1.5 feet waves, some whitecaps, a great, strong, steady wind. The lake was deep blue and it was awesome. I need to practice my knotsmanship a bit more - my knot on a fender was loose and we lost it.... We got to Little Sodus and you have to enter by a breakwater channel, lots of current, little stressful, but right away we noticed the colour. The water is turquoise, it’s like the Caribbean. Found a great anchorage in Meadow’s bay. And the water is so warm! Easily in the 80s.
We went into town, there is a dinghy dock right off Main street. It’s a very cute little town, people are very friendly. We had a snack at the Fly by Night Cookie Co. Yum! I will tell you more about this later; I’m saving the surprise for Amelie! We went to the beach and on the way back, Sebastien’s hat flew away – you should have seen the cowboy maneuver to recover it, rodeo style!
This morning Sebastien went to the store and near the dinghy dock, he found an inflatable Manta Ray in the weeds. The boys went nuts!
This afternoon we left for Big Sodus Bay, a bit further west. We got some rain on the way, but really, we have been having the most amazing weather this week. We tried the suggested anchorage off Thornton point, but we were getting rocked quite a bit so we changed spots and went around the other side in second creek bay. It’s a little better, but there is a lot traffic here.
Tonight we had a beautiful full moon, lots of stars. I think my grand-maman is looking over us :)