lundi 12 août 2013

Gone fishing

Little nutters that we are, we were back at the yacht club this weekend.  On saturday afternoon, the boys took their gear on the dock and went fishing.
This time, Liam had a real worm on his hook, not just the little practice crocodile.
His friend Brauen joined him with his little tackle box and off they went.

 Look mom, I have a worm!  It was a big fat juicy one too...

Concentration is very important.

 It took only a few minutes for Brauen to catch a nice perch.
And Liam caught his very first one, all by himself, a few minutes later (while I was gone of course).  True fisherman, as he tells the story over and over to anyone listening, the size of the fish increases, as well as the number.  In truth, he caught 2 perch.  But he will tell you he caught, as many as 4, and at least one of them was a huge Muskee!
Congratulations Liam on catching your first fish!

Sébastien caught a few as well, including a bass.  Overall, nearly a dozen fish were caught in less than 2 hours, on the dock at SYC.
No fish were harmed - all were sent back to the water to continue their little fish lives.
Liam can't wait to catch them again :)

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