samedi 3 août 2013

The slow and winding road. No rush.

Malheureusement ce soir le blog sera bref.  Unfortunately, tonight's message will be brief.

We are in an excellent anchorage spot near Club island, between the 1000 islands bridge and Rockport.  Big x on our map to make sure we remember!

But we are between thunderstorms, and the internet is a bit iffy, so no time to go on and on.  Too bad because I felt like writing.  Oh well, I'll save it for next time :)

Dans ce bel ancrage, nous sommes entre deux cellules orageuses et donc internet est un peu capricieux.  Je serai breve, meme si j,avais envie d'ecrire ce soir.

Nous sommes donc sur le chemin du retour.  La fatigue commence a se faire sentir.  Nous souffrons tous chacun notre tour d'un peu de <cabin fever>.  Mais nous passons quand meme de bien belles journees.

Yesterday, we left Kingston, after a spending a day walking the city, in the pouring rain!  but we found a market, some new dvds (ok ammunition) and a delicious breakfast.  Our first restaurant in nearly 3 weeks.  A little hole in the wall Sebastien had discovered when he spent a few weeks in training in Kingston.

Le depart de Kingston nous a offert un magnifique journee de voile - des heures sur le meme tack.  Notre destination prevue etait Leek island - des que nous sommes entres dans le chenail, nous etions dans de grosses vagues, je mettrai le video a l'appui en ligne bientot...vous allez comprendre ce que je veux dire par on s'est fait brasser....  Leek aurait ete un excellent abri, mais disons qu'on etait pas les premiers a y avoir pense....

Tired, and not feeling adventurous, and being close to the admirality islands (Leek is actually the southern most island of the admiralties and on the edge of the lake fleet) we went to a sure thing - Beaurivage.  But it was packed and we thought, maybe we can give another look at the site off Lindsey since the wind was not in the same direction as the last time we decided against that spot.  Turns out this time it was perfect.  And we now have 2 great spots near Gananoque.

Ce matin petit renflouage des vivres, petite periode de jeu pour les boys, question de degourdir les jambes.  Un grand bien pour tout le monde de marcher sur terre.  2e resto des vacances un petit fish and chips vraiment delicieux...

Yup, another great day for the Arsenaults :)

Which tells me I think I will need to have a single blog on food.  We have been eating really delicious meals.  Life is good.
Bon dodo (2 sur 4 dorment deja, il est 8h44 pm)

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